/ Leather craft / Leather craft: Adhesive, Dyes & Finishes

Leather care : Craft Sha 100% Pure Neatsfoot Oil /1pc

Neatsfoot Oil has been around since the 18th century and is most commonly used as a leather preservative. However, this universal moisturizer can also be used as a beauty aid and a household product. It softens and conditions almost anything you apply it to and is a great product to keep around the house.
The Craft Sha Neatsfoot Oil is an original and Natural, best way to treat and preserve your leather!
How To Use:
  • Simply add a few drops of Neatsfoot oil to a soft, lint-free cloth and work onto the surface of your leather, repeat as needed.
  • Please note, as is the case with most leather treatments, this product may permanently darken lighter coloured leathers.
  • Size: 100ml
  • Merk / Produsen: Craftsha

    Keyword : Leather_care |

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