/ Mokei : Model making (clay, diorama etc) / Modelling : Mold making & Casting material

Amazing Mold Putty Kit / 1set

Make your own molds for resin, food, soap, wax, clay and more with this amazing mold putty. It is quick, easy and safe. The entire process takes less than 25 minutes. It is food grade and FDA compliant. It requires no equipment, cups or stir sticks. Simply measure and mix by hand.

Basic Instructions:
  1. Measure equal amounts of side "A" and side "B" of the Amazing Mold Putty.
  2. Then knead the two sides together until a uniform color is reached (approx. 45 seconds, try to have this accomplished before the 1 minute point).
  3. Roll the mixed Amazing Mold Putty into a ball to eliminate seams in the putty.
  4. Then press the Amazing Mold Putty over the part. Start at one end and roll/press the mixed Amazing Mold Putty over the piece until it is completely covered.
  5. Let stand, without moving it, for approximately 20 minutes.
  6. Once the Amazing Mold Putty has hardened, flex the mold and remove the original you made your perfect mold from.

  • Size( A+B ): 300 gram
    (150 gram x 2 bottles)
  • Merk / Produsen: Amazing

    Keyword : mold_making |

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