/ Mokei : Model making (clay, diorama etc) / Clay : Air dry clay

Air dry clay : La Doll Cloth Clay / 1pc

Ini adalah bahan untuk membuat kain menjadi keras
Biasanya dipakai untuk membuat baju/rok untuk patung.
Celupkan kain kedalam cairan ini (di kuas juga bisa), tunggu hingga kering, maka kain anda akan keras seperti terbuat dari clay.
Juga bisa dipakai sebagai bahan "repair", untuk memperbaiki clay jenis Ladoll, Formo, Premier, Premix dll, yang hasilnya kurang halus. (berpori). Kuaskan bahan cloth clay ini keatas clay yang mau di perbaiki, tunggu kering , dan gunakan amplas halus untuk memperhalus permukaan.
  • Warna : putih
  • Material : semi liquid clay
  • isi perbotol 600 gram

*Jika stok habis, kami akan mengganti ke produk penerus [Radoll Paste 300g].

How to use

  1. Make a body, head and limbs with wire armature (if desired) and using the material of your choice. LaDoll products are, of course, recommended by the manufacturer.
  2. Cut a piece of fabric to the desired dress/clothing size. Sew or stitch if necessary.
  3. Pour necessary quantity of Cloth Clay into a bowl. Amount of clay will vary depending on the amount of cloth.
  4. Soak the fabric thoroughly with Cloth Clay. After the fabric is thoroughly permeiated with the clay, lightly squeeze (do NOT twist) the excess clay back into the bowl. Twisting the fabric will result in an uneven finish. You want enough Cloth Clay in the fabric but you don't need it "dripping wet".
  5. Return the remaining Cloth Clay to the original container and tightly sealed. You may wish to place a piece of plastic wrap over the top of the container before tightening the top. You want to keep as much air out of the clay as possible.
  6. Spread out the squeezed cloth - separting the folds, etc., and place it on the doll's body. Remove any threads you might have used for gathering if necessary and cut all thread tails. Let air dry completely once you have the fabric placed as you would like.
  7. If desired, and the fabric lends itself to painting, paint your creation with any water-based medium that you wish.
  8. If desired, apply a finish coat with a water-based, clear finish, such as a clear lacquer, metallic art, etc.
  • Merk / Produsen: Padico

    Keyword : La-Doll_clay |

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