/ Mokei : Model making (clay, diorama etc) / Clay : Air dry clay

Air dry clay : La Doll Premix /1pc

  • Material : Natural stone clay
  • Characteristic : Premix, like La Doll, is the super fine material for all sculpturing. Easy-to model, it is all natural stone clay. It won’t crumble and it is good for work that requires fine detail. It dries hard with minimal shrinkage. Excellent for prototypes.
  • Coloring : any paint
  • Packing : 400gram
  • La Doll premix is a combination of La Doll and La Doll Premier.
    It has combined all the benefits of both clays. Premix is stronger, better to work with and better to sand. It is a superb clay for the most delicate figures in air dry clay. The clay is fine textured with almost no fibers in it, very pliable and easy to work with. It hardly sticks on your hands. It is simply wonderful clay!
  • Merk / Produsen: Padico

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